Free Legal Writing Course


Crafting Persuasive Legal Advocacy

Advocacy is making the most compelling case possible for your position as a zealous representative. Here are some principles for persuasive written and oral legal advocacy: In written advocacy like briefs:

  • Frame facts favourably to advance your theory of the case
  • Thoroughly research the law and cite beneficial authorities
  • Analogize facts to favourable precedents and distinguish contradictory cases
  • Argue policy considerations that support your position
  • Craft persuasive themes using repetition and rhetorical techniques
  • Refute counterarguments and highlight flaws in the opposing side's reasoning
  • Use confident, assertive language and avoid equivocating
  • Employ structural techniques like point-first paragraphs and roadmap introductions
In oral advocacy like hearings and trials:
  • Prepare meticulously but be adaptable and think on your feet
  • Grab attention immediately and focus on your strongest arguments
  • Speak slowly, vary tone, make eye contact, mind-body language
  • Emphasize key points with strategic repetition and pauses
  • Use visual aids effectively to simplify complex concepts
  • Convert questions into opportunities to reiterate your positions
  • Maintain composure if interrupted or asked challenging questions